Every breast augmentation is unique as is the patient and the surgeons who performs the surgery. As a plastic surgeon with a breast fellowship, Dr Unal believes that “beauty is the balance” in breast augmentation surgery, therefore, the quality of the aesthetic result always prevails over the quantity of the breast implant volume. Achieving a gorgeous, natural and proportional outcome is always the ultimate goal.
Breast implants are appropriate for the treatment of a wide array of breast size and shape concerns. Underdevelopment of the breasts is a common indication for breast augmentation. Breast deflation following pregnancy and nursing (postpartum glandular hypomastia), after bariatric surgery or significant weight loss, or simply due to gradual involution can be improved significantly with breast augmentation. Certain breast asymmetries and congenital deformities can also be corrected through breast augmentation techniques. The technical approach must be meticulously tailored and personalized. This involves determining the shape, volume and projection of the implant meticulously.
The plastic surgeon you choose as your breast augmentation surgeon is of paramount importance. Breast augmentation surgery requires an understanding of natural and proportional beauty as well as surgical skill and technique.
From the initial consultation at Dr Cigdem Unal’s office in Nisantasi in Istanbul, through the perioperative phase, and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up, you will experience the thoroughness, attention to detail, and warmth with which Dr. Unal and her team welcome and care for you. The first visit is an opportunity for Dr. Unal to get to understand your desires, to examine and evaluate physical requirements, to thoroughly inform you about the procedure(s) or alternative treatments that will suit you best, to answer any questions you may have.
Planning Your Breast Augmentation
There are four primary components that are essential to consider during the planning phase of breast augmentation:
- Shape: the shape of silicone breast implants
- Access Incision: the incision through which the breast implants are introduced
- Position: the pocket placement of the implants relative to the chest muscle
- Style: the profile, texture and size of the breast implants
These choices are predicated on your breast and chest wall anatomy, on your desired outcome, and on certain personal preferences. Istanbul Breast Augmentation Surgeon, Dr. Cigdem Unal will carefully consider each of these factors with you, and will design the best breast augmentation treatment plan that is personalized to achieve your goals.
Shape Of Silicone Breast Implants: Anatomic or Round
The two primary breast implant shapes available for cosmetic breast augmentation are anatomic and round. On your initial consultation with Dr Unal, the shape of the implant that will best suit you will be discussed by her. The choice of shape of implant depends on your current breast volume, breast and chest wall shape, and total body size and shape.
Access Incisions For Breast Enlargement
Breast augmentation can be performed using incisions in the lower crease of the breast (inframammary crease incision), along the lowest border of the pigmented areola (periareolar incision), or within the underarm (transaxillary incision). The choice of insicion depends on the areolar size, breast shape, breast glandular density, inframammary fold definition, size goals, implant selection, and personal preferences. Dr. Unal will advise you on the best breast augmentation incision options.
To minimize incision length and to gently introduce silicone gel implants with a minimal or “no-touch” technique, a Keller Funnel is uniformly used. The Keller Funnel is an implant insertion device with a low-friction surface that enables the placement of silicone breast implants through smaller incisions.
Position Of Breast Implants
Breast implants can be placed below the muscle (submuscular augmentation), or above the muscle, but below the muscle’s fascia (subfascial augmentation).
Submuscular augmentation confers the following benefits:
- Provides increased coverage of the breast implants in thin patients
- Softens the upper pole of the breast leading to a more seamless, natural transition from collar bone to nipple in thin patients.
“Dual plane” augmentation is a form of submuscular augmentation that allows for maximal coverage of the upper pole of the implant by muscle, and direct effacement of the lower breast gland; this maneuver is employed when there is minor lower pole soft tissue excess or mild droop (ptosis) of the breast.
Subfascial augmentation confers the following benefits:
- No injury to the pectoralis muscle is done. This may be important in patients who are proffessional athletes or those who egzersize routinely.
Dr. Unal choses the implant pocket plane according to the patient’s needs.
Breast Implant Style, Texture, Profile, & Sizing
Breast implants are available in a wide array of shapes, profiles, shell textures, and sizes. Round implants or anatomical implants can be used. The shells of breast implants can be smooth or textured. Implant profile refers to the projection of an implant for a given base dimension. Choices are made from among three profiles, corresponding to low or moderate projection (less volume and anterior convexity), midrange or moderate plus projection (intermediate volume and convexity), and high profile (maximum volume and convexity). Considering your individual anatomy and your desires, Dr. Unal will advise you on the best breast implant style, profile, and projection options to achieve your goals.
Choosing the correct breast implant size is a process that begins with your initial consultation. Dr. Unal is very careful about getting to know the nuances of every individual’s wishes about breast augmentation surgery. Careful anatomical measurements are necessary to meet the patient’s desires as well as careful tissue assessment to establish an initial size “range”. Finally, Dr. Unal uses silicone gel implant sizers during surgery to confirm the size selection. With his years of experience and attention to detail, Dr. Unal has earned a reputation amongst her patients for providing high quality breast implants and cosmetic surgery.
Augmentation Procedure
Dr Unal performs her surgeries in fully accredited hospitals in Istanbul. Breast augmentation is performed as an outpatient procedure or if combined with other surgeries, may require a one night stay. After preoperative marking, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. The procedure duration is approximately 1.5 - 2 hours.
How do I recover after a Breast Augmentation
You will recover in the fully accredited hospital’s recovery room with our licensed registered nurse, and will be discharged home with a friend or relative when you are fully awake and comfortable approximately 1 to 2 hours after the completion of surgery. I fit is combination procedure, you may require a one night stay.
Dr. Unal recommends returning to work or studies after seven days, although with less physically demanding occupations, some are able to return as early as 4 to 5 days postop. During the first three weeks you will wear a post-surgical bra provided by the office. A compressive strap may also be recommended on occasion and provided if necessary. After one week the bra may be replaced by a standard sports bra. Normal bras and bathing suits may be worn after approximately two weeks. Breasts may appear firm and swollen for the first seven days, generally subsiding by 14 days, with shape and size settling into final position by 12 weeks.
Can I exercise after a Breast Augmentation?
Light exercise (cardio without impact) may be resumed at five to seven days, and more vigorous physical activity may commence three weeks after your breast augmentation surgery. Strength training that excludes pectoralis muscle contraction (including lower body, core, and biceps/triceps toning with arms held below 45 degrees) may resume after seven days. Modified pectoralis exercises may be resumed at 4 to 6 weeks, and completely unrestricted training begins at 12 weeks.
What do I do after my Breast Augmentation?
Your relationship with our office is not over once the procedure is complete. Following the surgery, we are at your disposal, and available to you day and night. Standard follow-up visits are at one week, six weeks, and 12 months. Istanbul Breast Augmentation Surgeon, Dr. Cigdem Unal will provide information regarding breast health, breast self-examination, exercises, and the timing for any breast imaging as required.
Cigdem Unal Gulmeden, M.D., Prof. Dr.
Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
+90 212 240 4299
+90 542 310 2038
Valikonağı Cad. Poyracık Sok. Pınar Apt. 63/6
Nişantaşı / İstanbul